Beautiful run through Walt Disney World yesterday

Disney's golden oak entrance sign
Disney’s Golden Oak entrance sign.


Disney's Port Orleans Riverside entrance sign
Disneys Port Orleans Riverside entrance.


Disney's old Key West entrance sign
Disney’s Old Key West Vacation Club.


Let’s pretend you have children, knowing full well some of you don’t.

Taking care of ourselves is a decent portion of taking care of our children.

And we underestimate what we can do in a decade and overestimate what we can do in 12 weeks.

Next Blog

26.2, 5k, or 400 Meters?

Yesterday At Walmart
Yesterday At Walmart

Are you crystal clear about why you do what you do?

Are you crystal clear about why you don’t do the things you do?

Most aren’t. It’s the difference between living “on purpose” or “going through the motions“.

Going through the motions doesn’t make a person bad, and it certainly doesn’t make a person thrive.

You have the opportunity to take a stand, for yourself, and live more on purpose than you ever have. Because if you don’t, it’s guaranteed that you will experience physical and psychological discomfort.

Not exercising feels rational and easy good at the time, but when you feel unhealthy, you realize you should exercise. There will never come a time when not exercising will suddenly bless you with good health.

Reader’s Wisdom Shared

Poison or Passion?
Poison or Passion?

“Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable.  It may get tough.” 2006 Fortune Cookie

A Lane 8 reader commented recently that part of her motivation, as she was training for a Marathon, came from a fortune cookie saying.

Had to read it several times.

Each time, it got better.  Each time it had more power. Each time it made indomitable will seem more like an antidote than a pain.

Be willing to be uncomfortable.

Be comfortable being uncomfortable.