Example or Warning?

When you look in the mirror, do you see what others see?

And I’m not talking about looks.  I’m talking about effort.

And attitude.

Let’s throw in beliefs, values, and habits too.

Yeah, that’s the one, habits.

Do you think when people look at your health habits, they see you as an example or as a warning?

Why Exercise?

Age old question isn’t it? Why exercise?

What’s your answer?

There will never be a better time than right now to do it. I realize many reading this will disagree that there’s a better day than today.

If so, may I ask this, “Then if it’s not today, when?”

How many more days, weeks, months, years can your answer be, “Not today?”

Have a great day. “Here’s to your health, your goals, your dreams, and, to today!”

You Can Observe A Lot

“You can observe a lot by watching.” – Yogi Berra

What did you learn from watching Germany’s Guido Mueller, age 70, break that world record?

I learned age is a state of mind.  And the longer you wait to believe this, the harder it must be to do something about it.

I also learned it’s better late than never – otherwise, my wife and I wouldn’t be parents.

What are you waiting for?  For the people around you, will you be an example, or a warning?  Carpe diem.

Lane 8 Celebrity?

Yes, and it’s not Tiger Woods.  Then who?

Jack the bear.

Jack the bear?

Yes.  Jack is our son’s teddy bear.  Our son (9) has three of the exact same bear – all gifts from family.  Fischer Price made this bear years ago, and on his collar, Fischer Price named him Jack.

Jack was my Dad’s name.  My Dad never met our son.  He passed away from early onset, rapid progression Alzheimer’s disease in 2001.

Anyway, our son lets me travel with the one with the torn ears.

What started as a cute little idea to help me feel connected to our son while I travel the globe, has turned into something a little more.  Jack is starting to report on his impressions from some of these places.

Here’s a quick one from Mexico. Take a look:

What does this have to do with exercise, fitness, health and wellness?  If I have to explain it, it won’t make sense, but it revolves around balance – the whole person, not just the body.

Imagine John Lennon

Can you imagine John Lennon as an athlete? I can, but it doesn’t seem he ever was.  His travel schedule was hectic to be sure, at least for much of his life with the Beatles.

So maybe he had an excuse – world travel.

Can I use it too?  Oh, and let’s see, may I also use some of these?:

  1. Too busy with work
  2. Too busy with school
  3. Too busy with the kid(s)
  4. Soon as the weather gets nice
  5. Starting January 1
  6. I can’t find an exercise I like
  7. It’s too dark
  8. It’s too cold
  9. I can never see results (fast enough)
  10. It’s too hard

Not exercising didn’t kill John Lennon, but it certainly may contribute to my death.

Do you ever think about stuff like this?

PS. Tomorrow, we revisit yesterday’s blog post and reveal the number one most contagious thing in the world.