Your Expectations Aren’t High Enough

Don't Stop
Don't Stop

You heard me correctly, it’s not a typo.  Your expectations are not high enough.

There are people who publicly and privately think I should back off, or slow down.

And sometimes it’s easy to start to think, “Maybe they’re right”. But it never lasts long.

A song, a movie, a thought, a blessing, a tragedy – all these things snap me out of doubt, fear and uncertainty.

Last night, it was a movie, Invictus, an inspiring story about Nelson Mandela and the South African Rugby team.

Start walking, get moving.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in a small (hell) prison cell.

And you’re telling me you can’t walk 4 or 5 days every week?

(next blog)

No Seriously, Do You?

What If You Wait Three More Years?
What If You Wait Three More Years?

Good health, meaning proper (not perfect) diet, regular (not compulsive) exercise, and adequate (consistent) rest are the keys to good health.

Good health doesn’t fall from the sky.

Good health isn’t going to get easier as you get older.

Good health isn’t going to wait until you have more time.

Good health is hard to come by.

Do you want it?

No seriously, do you?

National Running Day

Slow And Steady Wins Life's Race
Slow And Steady Wins Life's Race

Today is National Running Day. Who knew? As a runner, I had never heard of it. Showed up on Facebook this morning. Many people say things like, “I hate running”, or “I’ve never been a runner”.

Given a choice, it would almost seem like many would also add, “I hate walking”, or “I’ve never liked walking”.

And it doesn’t stop there, it continues with, “I hate vegetables”, or “I’ve never liked vegetables”.


26.2, 5k, or 400 Meters?

Yesterday At Walmart
Yesterday At Walmart

Are you crystal clear about why you do what you do?

Are you crystal clear about why you don’t do the things you do?

Most aren’t. It’s the difference between living “on purpose” or “going through the motions“.

Going through the motions doesn’t make a person bad, and it certainly doesn’t make a person thrive.

You have the opportunity to take a stand, for yourself, and live more on purpose than you ever have. Because if you don’t, it’s guaranteed that you will experience physical and psychological discomfort.

Not exercising feels rational and easy good at the time, but when you feel unhealthy, you realize you should exercise. There will never come a time when not exercising will suddenly bless you with good health.