Mediocre wins, it’s a trap

Ants eating dead snake
Ants eating dead snake


(photo: the other day on a run… reminder that we get eaten alive one day at a time… so slowly we never notice, if we’re not careful… habits… make us or break us)

Mediocre excuses eat great intentions for breakfast.

Guess who owns this domain name?

In a way, we all do.

It’s just that only one of us actually pays GoDaddy to have it registered.

Our habits confirm or deny our great intentions results.

Today’s physical thought continues with a spiritual thought for the day at the Next Blog

Happy Thanksgiving, let’s gorge ourselves to keep the American tradition alive

Stopwatch screen shot from iPhone


(photo:  Walked 30 minutes instead of running… felt the body needed something, including a day off from running)

Happy Thanksgiving, let’s gorge ourselves to keep the American tradition alive.

What if we changed the way we thought about Thanksgiving?

We only added to our plate once – decent, appropriate portions for our body size and type?

Or, we could, like we generally do as an American culture, eat until we feel uncomfortable.

And then watch football and hope the feeling subsides…

So we can have more pumpkin pie, this time with ice cream.

Change one to change everything?

Next Blog

Because she loves to run, we think she loves to run

Wellness word cloud
The successful ones always seem to have something we never will


Because she loves to run, we think she loves to run.

But she struggles.

And no one knows.

Some days, and often for weeks at a time, she struggles to enjoy it.

She wants to quit.

It becomes a have to do, a need to do, not a get to do.

This is truth and when we feel like her, plow through it.


But do not quit!

Next Blog

Age means nothing and exercise gets unfairly criticized

Hugh Macleod cartoon subscription form
Motivation IS Oxygen – without purpose we are doomed


The 70-something woman who has never exercised commented last night that she has much more energy after her physical therapy sessions.

Afterwards she has the energy to do four or five errands – something previously unheard of.

For five weeks she’s been going to therapy to strengthen her legs because in five days she is having knee replacement surgery.

The stereotype is that exercise makes us tired.

Guess again.

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