Busy lives. Easy to miss little details. It works like this. I wake up each morning and write five different blogs, from scratch – real life in real time.
Yesterday’s post is echoing in my head, because of it’s significance, which may not transcend those five simple words:
Better late than giving up
The secondary tag line for Lane 8 is:
Dream Big. Get There. Stay There.
The real goal, the one people sadly neglect, is staying there.
What good does complaining do? Does it make the complainer shine like a beacon of hope for others? Does it inspire people to give their absolute best?
You know, sometimes it might. Complaints can put things in the spotlight that may otherwise get swept under the rug. But it’s rare that complaining has a positive outcome.
Mostly, it just sounds like an excuse and a defense mechanism to shroud our fear of success.
Haven’t run in 7 days. Haven’t been to the gym in six. Pathetic.
Except for one thing. I get the opportunity to do them both. Today. How glorious is that? The woman in the photo perhaps can only dream of missing a week of exercise.