It’s a bit embarrassing actually

Leadership Keynote Speakers


(photo: Orlando’s Rosen College of Hospitality late yesterday, a Saturday, afternoon. Leadership inscribed in the arch. Where does leadership start?)

Here’s a harsh reality. If we do not take care of our health, it shows.

Ever listen to someone who is smart – perhaps even an expert in their field?

As they pontificate about how important focus and discipline is to being excellent at whatever it is they do, does you’re mind ever wonder to this place?

The place that says, “Why aren’t you excellent at other obviously important life matters?”

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Not feeling like it is a habit

Residential units near Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom


(photo: Carrying a camera/phone helps make the exercise more interesting because of the continuous photo opps.)

Not feeling like exercising today is a habit.

Eating sensibly is a good idea, but not today, too busy and too much stress – this too is a habit.

Just keep telling yourself that and see how quickly you change.

He thought to himself, that’s ridiculous, you’ll never change thinking like that.

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It’s so easy to tell the difference

Orlando Top Disney Motivational Speakers


(photo: Midlife crisis or Midlife Celebration? As the CEO of You, Inc, you get to pick.)

We are what we repeatedly do. We’ve heard it all before. Excellence is a habit.

And if we subscribe to this common sense notion, then our health is either our success or our weakness.

We celebrate if we are active.

We deny it if we are inactive.

Can’t hide it either way.

Be the change.

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In doing less can we do more?

Orlando's Top Wellness Speakers


(photo: The first hour long run in a long time, maybe the past year. Yesterday.)

The stopwatch screen shots can be boring to the casual observer, and yet they paint the picture of a person who only preaches what is practiced. There is a notion that in doing less we can actually do more.

It is up to us to define our ‘more’.

Take charge. Make your rules. Set your goals. Be on fire. Be that kind of person.

All day. Everyday.

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