I wish you could understand the power in this little known health secret

don't let growing older become an excuse

The key to staying motivated is to put your most cherished loved ones ahead of yourself. The paradox is that this seems backwards, even hypocritical. It may look and feel self-indulgent to exercise and rest. But is it? Being a healthy role model for your children and grandchildren, or nieces and nephews – how is that selfish?

It’s probably the most important example you can strive to accomplish.

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Are you haunted by your physical health potential?

it's up to us to prove that we love our health

Are you haunted by your physical health potential? Most likely, many Americans are. Why? Because far too many of us don’t feel we deserve the best health possible. Fewer still are willing to work hard for it. I know from experience. Lots and lots of experience. Been on both sides of the fence. I’m convinced we reap what we sow…which leads to…

…are you haunted by your spiritual potential…I talk about it here at the…Next Blog

The only guarantee we get from exercise

trying to guess who it is without seeing the person requires focus
game show
blind folds help judges focus

I travel a fair bit, and at 35k feet, you can think a bit differently because you can see things a bit differently – you know, the big picture. The are no close up details when looking down from 6 miles up – only big picture. This is when it hit me. There are no guarantees with exercise, except one. Focus.

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