Fiber, The Good Carbohydrate

Do you enjoy seeing old friends you haven’t seen in a while?

How does that feel to you?  Exciting and fun?  Or, dreadful, and a lot of work?

Isn’t it wonderful to spend a few moments getting caught up?

And how many times, when you bumped into your old friend like this do you say, “Wow, you look great, what have you done with yourself?

Almost without exception they say something like this, “I started exercising and watching what I eat.”

Two tips today:

  1. Exercise should start slow and steady (not too much, too soon)
  2. Fiber is one of the overlooked keys to losing weight (read why)

Maybe the next time you run into an old friend you’ll hear, “Wow, you look great!

Cancer In America

Recently, we visited Disney’s Magic Kingdom and Cinderella Castle. A stark contrast from cancer in America.

Yes, Disney World is our “hometown”, and yes, we visit often. Magical. Special. Wonderful.

But did you know that cancer in America strikes 1 out of 2 men, and 1 out of 3 women?

Frightening. Awful. Unbelievable.

Exercise doesn’t stop cancer, but it sure does help. That’s as basic as I can make it.

Many terminally ill people make Disney World their last request.

Any prayer requests?

Without These Blogs

Are You "UP" For A Great Day?

Without me nagging you every day about diet, exercise, health, wellness, courage, big goals, and challenging you to get out of your rut, or if your out of it, to stay out, where would you go to get this sincere “push” (or pull) to do what you know you really need to be doing?


And if you follow all five blogs, you know the nagging doesn’t stop at physical health, it also, very naturally, bleeds over into spiritual health.

Not Sure What To Say

You Got Green Lights For Exercising
You Got Green Lights For Exercising

Will you be exercising today? You know, walking, jogging, biking, rolling, swimming, yoga, gym, yard work, or any other derivative?

I’m really not sure what to say when I encounter people who don’t do anything to promote their physical health.

I feel guilty. Is that crazy?

What do you think?

Ok, I said what I wanted to say. Now it’s time to head to a quiet place and pray for additional guidance.

To Every Season

Just Do Something, Anything
Just Do Something, Anything

If you’ve just joined us after reading Connie’s Guest Blogger post, consider this: Seniors have an abundance of time to make healthy choices, as simple as walking.

An active, healthy body has so many benefits that it’s mind-boggling why more seniors don’t seize the opportunity to exercise and lose some weight.

On the other hand, take working folks like me and you, we barely have time to eat breakfast, let alone carve out 30-60 minutes of physical activity.

I hadn’t been to the gym in 7 days. The choice was simple:

  1. Extend it to 8 days
  2. Find a way to get to the gym

Here’s what happened last night.

Of course, our choices aren’t limited to diet and exercise, they also extend to our spiritual balance.