If there was a vision for the future it was yesterday

Apple Pay example
Yesterday’s second snack stop was a 25-cent investment in a banana.


If there was a vision for the future it was yesterday. Biked 13 miles to Gold’s, completed an 80-minute workout, then biked home 13 miles. This four-hour commitment included two stops to get refueling snacks, using Apple pay since i only took my phone.

It will be cool to bike to Church in the future. And the grocery store. And the Doctor.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Should i announce it or keep it a secret?

Amateur photo of Denver's Rocky Mountains
Those aren’t clouds, they are snow capped mountains from last week’s run through Denver, May 15.


Should i announce it or keep it a secret?

Training for 2015 Nationals and Worlds.

On one hand it will sound arrogant.

On the other hand, it takes guts to believe you can compete well against the best the world has to offer.

One announcement can simultaneously turn people off and remarkably inspire others.

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Pain or no pain, that is the question

Podiotrist exam room
Farmer’s tan? Photo from two days ago.


Two days ago the pain was excruciating and the run was cancelled. Yesterday however, after a fairly painful ten minute walk, a ten mile run ensued. How that was possible remains a mystery.

The 7th and 8th miles where seven-minutes flat. And the preceding six miles each got progressively faster, thanks in large part to zero pain.

This was a bit surprising stunning.

This morning? No pain. How? Why?

Time will tell.

The first five months of retirement have been impressively enlightening.

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Hassle factor versus giddy factor

Orlando Disney Speaker
Accidental shot from the recent longest lifetime run through Disney World.


There is a remote possibility that 2015 could be the healthiest my feet have been in the past decade.

While World’s (in August) in France seems like too much logistical effort at this time, Nationals (July) in Jacksonville, Florida makes me giddy.

This post was inspired by another Lane 8 post 100 days ago.

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No one knows this but it’s as true as gravity

Light blue antique VW Bug near Disney World


(photo: A car, if it stays healthy long enough, becomes an antique)

No one knows this but it’s as true as gravity.

Many do not exercise, not because they do not like exercise (though that’s the excuse) or because they are too busy (another great excuse), but because they are afraid of getting well and then having to maintain it for the rest of their lives.

When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. – Audre Lorde

A lifetime commitment to wellness means our foundational habits have to change.

We have to change.

For good.



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