The results aren’t happening fast enough

Space Mountain from Monorail
We have mountains to climb – it’s part of being human


Nursing incredibly untimely injuries is a huge challenge to staying the course.

When we have too many disappointments for too long, the devil’s temptation to just say, “It’s not worth it, I quit” becomes much more appealing.

It’s too hard.

It’s taking too long.

The results aren’t happening fast enough.

I’m tired of the pain and disappointment.

Blah, blah, blah.


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How bad do we want it?

O Magazine cover
Check out the lower left corner… what is Oprah’s lifetime health track record?


How bad do we want it?

And what exactly do we want?

We’re thinking lifetime plan, right?

It’s ridiculously easy to quit short term goals because we can rationalize another try in the future.

What if the driving goal was a lifetime of health and wellness, and bathing suit season?

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The never ending battle with things that make us want to quit exercising

Florida ant hill next to residential road
Trying not to make mountains out of molehills (or ant hills)


Exercise may take an unplanned backseat today. Being down a parent, early morning cable service call, and an early morning school rehearsal have all come together to a head.

The cable appointment is the ringer.

These are the things that never go away. And the things we must fight a never ending battle with – to avoid quitting.

And so it goes.

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Join the ‘boy this is sure hard to stay motivated’ club

Long, gloomy, cold, lonely, quiet road
Long, gloomy, cold, lonely, quiet roads are the devil’s work


Are you struggling with finding continuous motivation and joy in your exercise or activity routine?

Join the club.

We can know something, use it, then forget it because we take it for granted, then rediscover it again.

A goal.

A goal so clear, concise, and compelling the thought of reaching it excites us and fills us with the fire to burn brightly.

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Heck yes it is challenging and simply easier to quit

random photo of foot in parking lot
Snapped this while getting phone out to photograph a rainbow


Heck yes it is challenging and simply easier to quit. Duh.

Without a million reasons to not quit we are doomed to quit.

One foot in front of the other, day after day, after day.

It is difficult.

It is repetitive.

It is boring.

It is glorious.

It is rewarding.

It demonstrates personal integrity.

And yet quitting will always be easier.

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