We can not change others, but we can do this

childhood wellness
maybe the clues and instructions are in this book?

Ever wonder about midlife adults, parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles? Ever wonder why they don’t become wellness role models? Is it because they use excuses? Excuses like “My example won’t make someone else change”.

This could be the most deceptive, and despicable, form of codependency ever. What if we exercised regularly, ate right, and rested well – no matter what others did?

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The interrelatedness of Lane 8 and jeff noel.org

the odds of capturing all four dog's feet off the ground are the same as reaching 53 in great physical condition

As I turn 53 today, thoughts and prayers go out to every other 50-something man (and the women too) who struggles to get and stay healthy. This Lane 8 blog is centered around physical wellbeing. The next blog, jeffnoel.org is centered on spiritual wellness. On a day like today (which is like every other day, really), these blogs overlap so much, it’s difficult to talk about one without mentioning the other.

For example: Dear God thank you for the blessing to practice the two key ingredients – focus and discipline – to reach 53 in the physical condition I’m in.

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Are you haunted by your physical health potential?

it's up to us to prove that we love our health

Are you haunted by your physical health potential? Most likely, many Americans are. Why? Because far too many of us don’t feel we deserve the best health possible. Fewer still are willing to work hard for it. I know from experience. Lots and lots of experience. Been on both sides of the fence. I’m convinced we reap what we sow…which leads to…

…are you haunted by your spiritual potential…I talk about it here at the…Next Blog