Fewer, harder workouts

Sean D'Souza keynote slide
Sean D’Souza (tiny left corner) slide from two days ago.


Sean D’Souza was a day two afternoon speaker. He’s from New Zealand. Among other things, he and his wife work three months, then take one month off. This means three months vacation per year. Wow.

He claims it’s true.

His third and final bullet point (above) is “fewer, kinder clients”. Everyone’s dream (in addition to the whole vacation proposition) right?

What is the paradox of fewer and nicer? And does it matter?


And here’s the paradox…

Since retiring, immediately began a different running and gym schedule.

Moving from a monthly goal:

  • 20 running days
  • 8 gym visits

To a monthly goal:

  • 12 runs (far fewer)
  • 12 gym visits

Fewer, longer runs.

Everyone’s dream?

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Part yes, part no

Run Disney
13.1 miles


Part yes, part no.

Temptation. Should we or shouldn’t we?

We need filters.

Filters come from vision and purpose.

Ran a half-marathon two days ago, Friday. Could run another tomorrow (Monday) morning.

But should we just because we can?

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Friday the 13th is now the luckiest day of the whole year

Map My Run screen shot
Yesterday’s Friday the 13th “faster pace” run.


What if someone was bold enough to proclaim that Friday the 13th is no longer bad luck? In fact, they’d even go as far as saying Friday the 13th is the luckiest day of the whole year.

Wanted to run much farther than five miles yesterday (Friday, February 13, 2015).

A busy morning schedule made compromise the only option. Five miles no longer feels like a serious run – too short, but at least it was a five-miler that felt valuable.

(Photo above: After 1st warmup mile, the next four miles are 8min/mile or quicker, without too much effort.)

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Prior to retirement, five miles was always considered an amazing run.

More or less, pick one

Orlando based wellness speakers


(photo: To keep exercising we need to remain motivated, which means we need to find a million ways… took a left yesterday for the first time and found a glorious golf cart path.)

The more you know the less you need.

For example.

Health is wealth.

Not a leather couch nor an amazingly cool HD TV.

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In doing less can we do more?

Orlando's Top Wellness Speakers


(photo: The first hour long run in a long time, maybe the past year. Yesterday.)

The stopwatch screen shots can be boring to the casual observer, and yet they paint the picture of a person who only preaches what is practiced. There is a notion that in doing less we can actually do more.

It is up to us to define our ‘more’.

Take charge. Make your rules. Set your goals. Be on fire. Be that kind of person.

All day. Everyday.

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