Happy Healthy Sunday?

Happy Healthy Sunday?

It’s our choice isn’t it?

I’m still smiling from yesterday.   I asked our eight-year old son to help create a tee-shirt design for Lane8.org

I challenged him to do five pages worth.  He did.  He’s clever, creative and funny.

This journey to make it to the Men’s 50-54 400 meter finals at the Master’s World Championships is nothing short of inspiring to me.   I do not belong in this league.   I asked my son, “Remember David and Goliath“?  “Yes“, he said.   “What was the morale of the story“?, I shot back.

You can do anything“, was his answer.

That’s right, nothing is impossible“!, I said softly.

Follow your dreams.  Dream Big.  Get There.  Stay There!  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

97.5 (I think)

Nice easy run this morning, not even two miles.  Why?  Not enough time in the day to do everything, eh?

Early yesterday was a good five-miler, plus later, got in a 75-minute gym/core workout.  So no worries today.

Remember, rest is your friend.  Slothfulness, no.  Rest.  Indeed.  

How big are your dreams?  Hey, you don’t have to prove anything to me.  Yourself maybe, but not me.  Peace to you and your life, your dreams and all you hold dear.  Thanks for visiting and hope you’ll follow alomg and find some sort of nudge, motivation, challenge, whatever.   Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Hump Day?

In America, many people call Wednesday, “hump day”, for the middle of the work week, and once Wednesday is over, we’ve cleared the hump and are closer to the weekend.

I took “hump day” off from working out.  Worked too long and hard today and didn’t have enough sleep to fully recover from yesterday’s run and gym workout.  As a public speaker, I stand most of my day, which adds additional stress to my plantar fasciitis and heel spur.

I’m treating rest as an integral component to success this year.  As a Master’s athlete, I’ve learned the hard way that rest is a critical success factor.  A tired body is more prone to injury.  My mantra, “Stay Healthy, Have Fun“!

Run, walk, swim, peddle, row, roll or whatever.  Just do something to stay moving, because if you don’t, who will.  If not now, when?  The clock is ticking.  Carpe diem, jeff noel


The day started at 5am and it’s 10:30PM now.   This morning’s five-mile run gets a “96.5% ready”.

Mile two had some minor left heel pain, which had me nervous.  The rest of the way, however, was pain free.  Mile four, I throttled up the pace and felt great.  This made me less nervous.  🙂

Overall?  Feeling 96.5% ready for sprint training to begin.  Tomorrow will be another rest day, due to work schedule and lack of rest tonight.   We had our taxes done tonight which threw my routine off.  No worries.

Can’t wait for tomorrow. Dream big!  jeff noel