All this talking & thinking about midlife health & wellness is making me hungry. Let’s go to the store and get a pound of jelly bellies. It’s good for your soul.
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
All this talking & thinking about midlife health & wellness is making me hungry. Let’s go to the store and get a pound of jelly bellies. It’s good for your soul.
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…on the left you see a dock….on the right you see a dock….in the jungle this is known as a pair-a-docks….
The best success formula and best coach for our health and wellness initiatives is so close and yet so far. It’s an epic paradox. It’s us. You. Me.
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Rise like bread everyone. It’s the yeast you can do. Come on now, no loafing. Sorry if the jokes are stale and crumby. I’ve enjoyed having you today, hope you’ve enjoyed being had. Just kidding. Of all the groups I’ve ever had on tour, I can say, without a doubt…you guys…have been…the most…recent!
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Youth have few cares, whether animal or human. Eventually, youth in the Animal Kingdom witness the brutal realities of survival. Then they shape up, or death will certainly call their name soon. What if we exposed our youth to the slow, painful (and expensive) death poor health choices bequeath unwise humans?
Which is harsher, witnessing the truth, or experiencing it personally?
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If we’re not careful, we could be eaten alive by all the ridiculous health and wellness claims out there.
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