Just A Fool To Believe

Find Your Reason To Change
Find Your Reason To Change

Really, it’s simply too difficult to change.

Sure, I want to be healthy for the rest of my life.

Who doesn’t?

But my gosh, there is so much stuff clamoring for my attention, my time.

Ever feel like this?

Maybe we’re all a bunch of fools to believe we can change.

When I Run, I

Middle School Track
Middle School Track

How much “on-purpose” thinking and acting do you do in your day-to-day routine?

A lot?  Some?  None?

How would your days look and feel (differently?) if you tried to be more “on-purpose”?

What are the advantages, the disadvantages and what doesn’t even matter?

These are all opportunities to make your life and the lives of others different, better.

When I run and it’s windy, I always run harder into the wind than when it’s at my back.

When I run and there are hills, I run harder up the hill than down it.

When I warm up, before running in a competition, I sweat and breath hard, really hard. You have to be in shape just to warm up.

And when the race is into the wind, because often it is, guess who has an advantage?

We often don’t know why we run, we just do.  Not because it is doing us good, but because we love it so much and can not stop ourselves from doing it.

How Much Fat?

Fish Are Friends, Not Food?
Fish Are Friends, Not Food?

Do you have passion? I mean, passion for your health.  Do you have it?

Most don’t.  How do I know?  Because I’m a wellness expert. As Malcolm Gladwell points out in his best-selling book, The Tipping Point, anyone who invests 10,000 hours in a specific area will become excellent at it.

So, how do you define passion?  How about FANATICAL?  Does that work for you?

Every chance we get to get a glimpse at our health numbers, we should fanatically do it.

Like three days ago at Gold’s Gym. Free body fat percentage testing. Free. Can’t beat that price.  Took less than one minute.

Sixteen percent.  Anything under 19% is considered excellent. Bet you have no clue, and you have no clue because you really, deep down inside, don’t want to know.

How do I know?  Wellness expert.  Remember?

Under Six?

One Is A World-Record Holder
One Is A World-Record Holder

“Ever worry about being too fast?”

This is usually not anything that crosses a runner’s mind.

And if you’re not a runner, think of it this way, “Ever worry about being too good at something you’re working hard to be good at?”

Um, let me guess, “No, it never crosses your mind.  Why would it?  Who doesn’t want to be really fast, or really good?”



Except when too much too soon could be detrimental to your long term success.

Heading out for a five-mile run.  I sure hope the fourth mile isn’t under six minutes.

Not yet anyway.

Health Blog At Lane 8?

Hello Lane 8 readers. Thanks for visiting again. Going to leave this post here for a little while. Please scroll down to read the today’s daily post.

Top Right Link Will Always Lead You
Top Right Link Will Always Lead You

It is now amazingly easy to click through all five daily blogs, without having to think or remember which order or how many you’ve already visited.

Simply click the top link under Blogroll, on the upper right-hand column. It automatically advances you.

Ever heard these phrases?:

  • Never get bored with the basics
  • It’s common sense, but not common practice
  • The road to excellence has no finish line

On a friend’s suggestion, I’ve simplified navigation between the five daily blogs.

It’s basic, it’s common sense, and just one more simple improvement.

Maybe you weren’t aware I write five daily blogs.

We need five daily blogs to optimize our lives, the same way we need these five to optimize our health:

  1. Strength
  2. Endurance
  3. Flexibility
  4. Nutrition
  5. Rest

Again, common sense, but not common practice.