The list is a mile long

Finland bicycle culture


(photo: The city of Lahti, Finland – bike parking, 2009.)

There are a million reasons why exercising today can be put off until tomorrow.

This is not a “and they all lived happily ever after” story.

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How we honor that (or don’t honor that) is easily measured

Snowy highway near Dorney Park


Dorney Park entrance in winter


(photos: Dorney Park during January snowfall.)

Did this Disney Institute Leadership Keynote Speaker feel like running yesterday? No. Did he? Yes.

Dear blogger, your post seemed to target that body weight defines a person.

Weight is a metric like any other metric.

Shift gears for a second.

The number of children we have (or don’t have) can also be a metric.

Some metrics are easy for others to see.

Most aren’t.

Our body is a gift from God. A temple housing everything that keeps us alive.

How we honor that (or don’t honor that) is easily measured.

And yes, it’s a struggle, a battle, an on again off again thing – until one day it’s only an on again thing. Only.

Be well and remain amazed.

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Is slow the only way?

George Lucas quote


(photo: From Senior Living Apartment watching Rose Bowl Parade 2015)

Visualizing yourself in great health is critical to maintaining focus and discipline for the long haul.

Slow is the only way.

Anything else is a shortcut.

This is where people fail.

There are no shortcuts for a lifetime of wellness.

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The secret is to quit

Peeking at Christmas presents


Peeking at Christmas presents


(photo: Peeking through a barely noticeable opening in a Christmas present – a hole no adult would ever notice. What a three year old believes comes naturally, until society beats it out of him.)

New Year’s resolutions have the power to transform people. Few believe it. But what about the few who do? What did they do, and what are they doing that defies the odds?

The secret is to quit telling ourselves the same bull crap lies we’ve learned to tell ourselves through repetition and observation.

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