What if we don’t have enough wherewithal?

Disneyland Dream Suite
Everyone should have an impossible wellness dream.


Without a powerful, clear, concise, and compelling personal wellness vision, there’s no way to fight off the relentless demands on our time and energy. There’s not enough ammunition to slay the “quitting” dragon.

Not enough wherewithal to become an example, rather than a warning.

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BFF with denialism?

Disneyland Passes collection


(photo: Having fun and busy schedules are a great distraction from committing to a consistent wellness regime.)

Most if not all of us have a long history of denialism. It’s a comfortable coat we wear, even when we aren’t cold.

We eat because of all the stress in our life and food provides comfort.

And this comfort causes weight gain discomfort which starts the cycle all over again

Gained a few pounds the past five days while at Disneyland.

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Why would we not exploit this key wellness insight?

Early morning commute, time and temperature near Disney
Heading to work before sunrise. Chilly too.


The effect regular exercise has on our attitude, our spirit, our work and our home life is extraordinary.

Why would we not exploit that?

Is it because we can’t afford it? The time to do it, is that what we can’t afford?

Or is it that we can’t afford the risk it takes to let go of the things holding us back from carving out the time and commitment?

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Doing things faster and better is not the solution

Assorted dice
Yesterday at the weekly YuGiOh tournament.


YuGiOh tournament rankings for Central Florida
Yesterday’s tournament standings.


Be first in your category or be the category. Boldness does have genius.

What does this mean for wellness? It means you’re in charge. It’s your responsibility to find creative solutions to impossible obstacles.

No guts, no glory.

It may mean taking a demotion at work. It may mean eliminating certain pleasurable habits that (only temporarily) relieve stress. It certainly means that change is the only solution.

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