Couple Disney, Other Thought Leaders, And An Insatiable Desire To Learn & Teach…

jeff noel insatiable learner and teacher

The best teachers, according to jeff noel, are those that possess three things:

  1. They are passionate
  2. They tell stories
  3. They use personal examples

Why? Because they have done the hard work to practice what they preach, not regurgitate someone else’s effort and victory.

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Can You Build And Hurry At The Same Time?

World-class business insights can be applied to anything, even running. Spot the runner(s)?

Yesterday the “D” word was dropped: Desire? Destiny? Disney? Determined? Ever wonder if you could you apply corporate lessons to running?

A strong foundation is a critical success factor. Duh! But this is often the first reason we fail. We don’t build a good foundation. Why? Because we’re in a hurry.

So, can you build and hurry at the same time? Maybe.

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Time Flies

Everything we owned starting out. (WSU, Aug. 1984)

All told, 48 boxes for the Trucking company – Washington State to Florida.

Moving day…

Becoming full-time Disney Cast Members in 1984 was (and still is) very exciting. We worked hard, like all young folks starting out, establishing ourselves and building our careers, a sense of community, and a home.

One of the inherent dangers with blind ambition is the mismanagement of time, primarily from shifting priorities – or the (false) perception thereof.

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