How Does A Baby Boomer In Midlife Change Their Dieting And Eating Habits?

Lunch in Finland 2009

At 52, jeff noel is a Baby Boomer diet expert. No, not a nutritionalist nor food scientist. A daily, make-good-food-choices-for-a-lifetime diet expert.

All the food and diet knowledge in the world can’t replace focus and discipline to execute the diet basics. The food pyramid, whole grains, protein, carbohydrate, fats, fiber – all these things mean something to every healthy Baby Boomer.

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Midlife Baby Boomers Must Accept The Fact That Dieting Is The Wrong Approach

The long term effect of making the right choices yields results any Boomer would appreciate

Boomers, midlife can be a cruel awaking can’t it? Decades of poor diet choices. A million excuses why our poor diet choices were okay. Right?

This is jeff noel’s point, none of those excuses were okay. And they will continue to not be okay. Forever. jeff noel isn’t suggesting you become a diet saint, but noel is suggesting you become a world-class choice maker with your food.

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When You Consciously Think About Every Single Food Choice You Make, You Are A Role Model

Have Fun. It's Your Responsibility.

So when you hear jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, say you should consciously think about every single food choice, does this inspire or bore you?

If noel’s insights bore you, this is the root of all midlife Baby Boomer diet mishaps.

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jeff noel Has A Few Diet Tips, Inspired By Yesterday’s Post

The Choices Are Often Easy When There Aren't Many Choices

If we are to become the change we wish to see in the world, we are setting the bar extraordinarily high. So high that it scares most away from trying.

If we are to maintain healthy body metrics, we must focus on our diet. For example, do you consciously think about every single food choice you make?

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Getting Motivated And Reaching A Health Goal Is A Surefire Sign Of Future Failure

Someone has to be the expert. And that would be me. (pretty bold, eh?)

Because of what I do and who I do it for, I have an extrasensory perception in how setting and achieving health goals is a sure sign of future failure. July is dedicated to helping you see this coming and to fight it every step of the way.

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