Some messages are so important, we actually carve them in stone, so they can never be erased. I’m posting this photo two days in a row. It’s that important.

Our future health is in our hands, no one else’s.
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Some messages are so important, we actually carve them in stone, so they can never be erased. I’m posting this photo two days in a row. It’s that important.
Our future health is in our hands, no one else’s.
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We need to constantly remind ourselves, but we grow weary in our efforts. So we stop. Then an injury, illness or bad health report regains our attention.
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The danger in making goals achievable is what if we reach them? Then what? Will we wonder what we could have done if we would have tried harder?
jeff noel could have set his sights on a state championship, or national championship. Why stop there?
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Lane eight is the worst lane assignment in Track & Field. The slowest runner gets this lane. A word of caution here. Never let the worst lane, or even finishing dead last worry you.
Perhaps that would be impossible, to be in Lane eight. But what if it was in the finals, at the world championships. Dead last but eighth best in the world.
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