Only One Thing Competes With Enthusiasm As The Most Contagious Attribute


Enthusiasm is the most contagious thing in the world. You know this as soon as you are near a person who is full of positive energy and passion. And you know the second most contagious thing in the world when you are near someone who is the antithesis of enthusiasm – an energy vampire.

Insight: Birds of a feather flock together.

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Blogging And Running Are A Lot Like Growing A Business

How long before this....
....became this?

Serious running requires start-up investments in a runner’s time, money, learning, practice and growing from their new running experiences. Serious blogging requires the exact same start-up investments. Here’s what’s even crazier… jeff noel has found identical elements in growing Mid Life Celebration, LLC. Perhaps three years, usually more, before enough mistakes have been made and a baseline foundation for upward building – in running, blogging, and, business.

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You Go On Ahead Without Me
You Go On Ahead Without Me

People who work hard have a way of making things look easy. This makes people who don’t work hard, well, jealous.

Life is not fair. But life does have natural laws, like, survival of the fittest, gravity, etc. It is what it is, and has been for ions. I hadn’t run very much in the past 10 days, due to a heavy workload. So yesterday morning…

With the goal of a sub-six minute mile, on a brisk Central Florida morning, I started off. First mile is always an easy warm-up, second mile the “time-trial”. First 800 in 3:03. Perfect. Crossed the line in 5:59.

Obnoxious? Yes. 🙂

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