What makes it so hard to believe that health requires constant effort and effort requires commitment

Santa Claus plate with cookies
What makes it so hard to believe that health requires constant effort and effort requires commitment


The health habits we spend our lives creating ultimately can pay dividends we never knew we would need later in life. Say for example, you are in your 70’s or 80’s and you fall, have surgery, and are then instructed to go through extensive physical rehab or you will never walk again.

And if you can not walk at that age, the decline to needing 24 hour nursing care is immediate.

What are our odds of doing the challenging work after surgery if we were unwilling to do it while we were healthy?

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So easy to judge, so difficult to keep up

Funny produce signs
Peaches and nectarines – tree ripened? What a concept.


So easy to judge (like the sign above), so difficult to keep up. So here’s a theory.

Until we become incredibly healthy – because it’s a no brainer this is important and extraordinarily beneficial – perhaps we shouldn’t criticize anyone, about anything.


That’s my goal.

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