Are Baby Boomers Prisoners In Their Own Bodies?

Disney's Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin

Living next to Walt Disney World and calling Disney World “my hometown”, we visit all the time. Literally five-plus days a week. My son and I enjoyed Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, a giant video/laser game in which both occupants sharing the ride vehicle battle each other for high-score bragging rights.

But while waiting in the Disney que line, this sign (photo) made me think, as Baby Boomers, are we prisoners in our own bodies?

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Happy 40th Birthday Walt Disney World

Disney Celebrates Everyday
jeff noel & Son @ Magic Kingdom 2011

Happy 40th Birthday Walt Disney World. We can rest assured Disney is celebrating this magical milestone in some extraordinary way.

Ever wonder when and how we celebrate our own health and wellness milestones? Pausing to think about Disney World’s birthday today reveals our own lack of celebrating in extraordinary ways. Opportunity awaits in October.

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