What do we invest in that won’t bear fruit for 15 years?

Alarm clock image screen shot
Random screen shot from laptop


Dear Son, it’s evident you’ve begun your revelation into understanding the importance of a healthy body. Your motives for exercising will ebb and flow over time. Eventually your motive will simply be to remain healthy and active.

And you will get to this place when you fully understand that being as healthy as you can be is directly linked to personal integrity, gratitude, and happiness.

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Assuming we constantly know this is good

2015 USATF Masters T&F National Championships registration


What keeps you constantly motivated to stay active?

A constant mantra, whether for exercise or any life category:

Find a million ways to stay motivated

Yesterday was another in a million ways. Registered and paid for entry into three events (400, 800, 1500) at the 2015 USATF Masters National Outdoor Championships.

It’s also motivating that it’s in Florida.

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What is this blog about?

Orlando Based Motivational Speaker


Orlando Based Motivational Speaker
Upper right corner.


This blog is about our body.

The temple that houses everything that keeps us alive. Honor it. Like a boss.

Strength, endurance, nutrition, rest, core, flexibility, and motivation make up the seven pillars.

The most important of the seven is to find a million ways to stay motivated, and find one clear, concise and compelling purpose for your lifelong journey – to be an great example and not a glaring warning.

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Did Isaac Newton exercise?

Map My Run screen shot
Yesterday’s run included 10 miles of negative splits before backing off the pace.


What if impossible really is nothing?

Isaac Newton is remembered for saying the obvious:

A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.

Back to back excellent interval workouts had me wanting feeling a change was necessary yesterday.

Some LSD.

Some long, slow, distance.

Maybe a 10-11 miler.

A different turn about four miles in would provide a route not run before. How far would it be?

It turned out to be 16.1 miles.

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Under rated benefit of active rest days

Apple Store Mall at Millenia
Yesterday during my Apple One-to-One session


Yesterday at Winter Park, Florida Park Avenue Starbucks
Waiting for client to arrive for lunch yesterday.


Winter Park, Florida Park Avenue Starbucks
Yesterday at Winter Park, Florida, the Park Avenue Starbucks


Under rated benefit of active rest days.

You can tend to other things, like running your business, on your own terms.

Middle photo: watched my favorite Steve Prefontaine video clip from the movie Without Limits.

Bottom photo: What are the odds of a “400” being right there?

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