To add meaning to the preparation

America's best wellness speaker
Today starts the 2015 Prefontaine Classic. Tomorrow is the 23rd Central Florida Glider’s meet. It’s also marks 30 years since Pre’s tragic car accident.


What is your personal brand? Does it even cross your mind?

Would people label you active or inactive. Healthy or not really?

These types of questions are not for everyone. Totally get that. But it cannot be a reason to not ask.

And just because an alarming percentage of Americans are not active, does not mean that society believesĀ this is acceptable.

Do you?

During tomorrow’s competition, the goal is not to win a race, even though there’s a possibility. The goal is to have all the preparation have meaning – something to look forward to, to celebrate.

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Called an audible two miles in

Google earth camera
Yesterday’s 10-miler near Walt Disney World on Fiquette.


Yesterday was the last run before Saturday’s Central Florida Glider’s track meet at Lake Brantley High School.

Two miles into a nice easy warmup, decided to keep going, meaning i called an audible and went left on Overstreet Road with no intentions of turning around. Rationalized in the moment that a decent 10-miler with progressively faster mile splits would be a nice break from intervals. Seven miles of negative splits before hitting Magic Kingdom Cast parking for a water break.

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It’s exciting not knowing


Still not sure what this morning’s workout will be. TheĀ first 2015 outdoor track meet is three days away. After this morning’s workout, there will be two full rest days before the meet.

While i’m in great shape for an almost 56 (in 12 days) year old, it’s no where near world-class competition level . This means the meet is a glorified workout.

An exciting way to dip my toes in the water so to speak.

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The physical architectural framework for vibrancy, Disney Style

Disney wellness speaker jeff noel
Yesterday logged 4 miles and 40 minutes as warmup.


The physical architectural framework for vibrancy has seven major elements. The most important isn’t even physical.

More important than the other six (strength, endurance, core, flexibility, nutrition, rest) is motivation.

Having a purpose bigger than yourself.

Because when you do, years of effort are joyfully (mostly) spent while others quit or do the on-again-off-again yo-yo thing.

Week three of track training starts off with a bang.

The 800 and 400 interval times have dramatically come down.

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Feet healthiest in 10 years

Disney Consultant jeff noel quote
Using Buffer’s Pablo app to create images like this one.


Only two more workouts before the 2015 season’s first track meet.

Haven’t felt this excited about a track season in a decade.

Feet healthiest in 10 years.

Great cardio base.

Only two weeks of interval training so far. Things are going according to plan. The plan is to move forward to the next threshold only when it feels right. This may mean not being fully prepared for a meet.

And this is ok. Even welcomed.

So two weeks ago i started using intervals to gradually increase the intensity of pace. The intensity of running shorter and faster is the stress it puts on the body.

Going from jogging to running and now to sprinting.

It will take months.

There is a chance that my body may not be ready for the 400 by August 12, 2015.

It doesn’t matter.

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