Remaining flexible in the midst of routine

Pennsylvania Ariel landscape
Pennsylvania landscape.


Pennsylvania landscape near Harrisburg and Three Mile Island.


Missed yesterday’s run and gym visit. Up at 4am to catch an early flight to Allentown.

Will i run this morning, a Saturday, in 30-degree weather or opt for the comfort of the warm and cozy 92-year old’s apartment?




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Running on…

Safari icon
Which way?


One of the most overlooked joys of daily blogging is that you are the boss of what you write.

i don’t know many people in the world who blog everyday. And of the ones who do, not many are runners.

If there’s a run today, it will have to be 1,200 miles north.

And if there’s blogging tomorrow (like i’d miss a day) it’ll be 1,200 miles away.

Running on…portable joy.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Life and exercise, on the road again

Orange County Convention Center
Other side of the Hilton, looking North – the Orlando Eye.


Yesterday’s short drive to Orange County Convention Center astonished me when i tried to comprehend how diligently i exercised even with the massive travel schedule for the final 10 years at Disney Institute (15 years at DI, 30 years total at WDW).

Didn’t see any early morning (business traveler) runners yesterday.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Never have any more unremarkable days?

Church sign at night


(photo: Yesterday morning’s run… tried to capture the Church sign’s address… Flint, MI… for posterity… camera didn’t cooperate)

Can we get to a point where our days are no longer unremarkable?

Driving to Detroit in 90 minutes to fly home from what is now officially the last business trip as a Walt Disney World Cast Member.

Yesterday’s run was the next to last road trip run and in a few minutes, this morning’s run will be the last as a Cast Member.

Our lives click by one unremarkable day at a time.

The opportunity is to work hard to get to a place where we never have any more unremarkable days.

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Change is the only constant

University of Iowa decals and stickers


(photo: This is not Walt Disney World  (aka home) and everything is different, including exercise routines.)

What’s our obligation to exercise even under extenuating circumstances?

Life on the road can be a bit of a broken record…

Three for three days (of four) so far without exercise.

Life is hard.

Figure it out.

And be flexible, forgiving, creative, and determined the entire way.

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