What’s Wrong With Big Dreams?

The Tide Is Predictable. Are You?
The Tide Is Predictable. Are You?


Big dreams make the world go round.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.


You know, or maybe you don’t, I write five daily blogs and not every single post is gonna rock your world.

Shipping these blog posts out the door every morning takes guts.

Are you shipping anything? You want to, but you don’t. Someday, right?

Ok, sure. Whatever.

Being in good physical health is popular, and highly valued, but what about the health we talk about at the Next Blog?

Great Results Come From Where?

Hard work.


End of story.

It’s time for me to shut up, show up, lace up and head out the door for a run.

Everyday, we have a physical responsibility to care for our body through adequate exercise and proper nutrition. It doesn’t get any simpler than this.

Quit making excuses about when you’re going to get started (again).

What are you going to do today to exercise your precious physical gift?

(scroll down for yesterday’s post or visit my next blog, our spiritual responsibility)

Quit Or Keep Going?

Where would you put your natural tendencies?

“I’m a quitter.’


“I never give up!”

Do you understand momentum? Do you really understand how it works?

Once you figure this out, your transformation will move forward, but not before then.

One foot in front of the other. Day after day. There is no other way.

Let’s review.



Keep going.

Scroll down for yesterday’s post or click jeff noel.org

3 Health Tips To Get Better

Is It On Your Mind Daily?
Is It On Your Mind Daily?

“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.”Milan Kundera

Do you struggle with staying committed to exercising regularly and developing good, solid eating habits?

I think one of the main reasons people (fail) struggle, is because they are not leading their efforts with their heart.

Here are 3 health tips to get better at focus and discipline:

  1. Find a person to be a role-model for (so that failure is not an option)
  2. Start slow and steady
  3. Allow for imperfections, but do not allow quitting

These are the 3 health tips for getting better. But no tips for success will work, if you don’t.

(next blog)