Here’s one harsh reality we have the option to alter

photo of free health graph at Walmart store
health is wealth, and must be protected, nurtured, and maintained


Here’s one harsh reality we have the option to alter

One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now. – Paulo Coelho

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Dear Son, Walt Disney Said If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Turning the corner and no looking back...
Wow, look at that boy go!
I'm doing it, and it feels GREAT!
Ta-Da!!!! Success.

Dear Son, Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it”. As you know, your Dad has studied Walt all his life and worked for Walt for 3/5th’s of it. I have been teaching you everything I know, and as you get older, the lessons will become more profound.

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Baby Boomers Go Round And Round In Their Search For Health And Wellness Success

Kissimmee, Florida Was jeff noel's First Florida Hometown, 1982

Remember what jeff noel always says, “The long way is the shortcut”. Driving home from a Cub Scout camping trip, we passed the Kissimmee, Florida Fair. Couldn’t help but snap this photo. A year later the photo’s purpose is revealed: we Baby Boomers go round and round searching for our health and wellness shortcuts. It makes me nauseous.

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Ben Does Life & Lost 120 Pounds & His Sadness

You can observe a lot by watching. That’s how I found Ben’s video.

You can do a lot by doing. That’s how Ben lost 120 pounds and his sadness.

As I sit in this Detroit Hotel, writing, I hope you will embrace these words:

If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

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When I Have More Time I’ll…

But it’s too cold… (Finland 2009)

Fill in the blank, When I have more time, I’ll ________. (exercise, eat better, get more rest, see a doctor…)

Never say you have no time. On the whole it is those who are busiest who can make time for yet more, and those who have more leisure time who refuse to do something when asked. What we lack is not time, but heart.  – Henri Boulard, Egyptian Jesuit

A million reasons not to exercise, right?

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