The one thing missing from yesterday’s Olympic list?

This photo was taken as the sun set into the Gulf of Mexico…


The one thing missing from yesterday’s Olympic list? Dreaming. Dreaming plants the seed, and helps us visualize the future…

But only crawling out of bed early, and putting in the blood, sweat, and tears will get you to a place where you can even remotely believe your resume is good enough.

Seven days…

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The Key To Health

He's Counting On A Role Model (for life)
He's Counting On A Role Model (for life)

Ever struggle with your motivation to exercise or with making smart food choices?

(If you said no, you’re lying)

Yesterday while at Gold’s Gym Orlando, I asked one of the staff, “What is it that makes some people commit to exercise for a lifetime and others quit after a few weeks?”

What do you think?  How would you answer it?

I suggested that we can not do it for ourselves, we must do it for someone else. If we fail, we only let ourselves down. But if we do it for someone else and we fail, we let them down.

The other person challenged my rational (which is exciting), and in the speed of the day, neither one of us, in this casual conversation, really had a desire to debate this further at that moment.

Yet on the drive home, what I had been trying to say was revealed. We need to be a role model for great health habits. This is the secret that eludes people.

You must be someone’s role model, for life. This means you can not fail. There is no greater motivation.

If this is flying over your head, you’re at huge risk to miss this simple, but compelling health secret.

Winter Olympics 2010

Passion Is Beauty
Passion Is Beauty

What is it about the Olympics that stirs our soul and lifts our spirit?

Perhaps it the same as admiring a priceless work of art, or a magnificently built cathedral, or listening to a brilliantly written and performed song, or dining on a meal prepared by the finest chefs.

It could even be tonight’s sunset, or tomorrow’s sunrise.

Whatever it is, I believe it is critical to harness this passion.

This is passion for “art”, in all it’s forms.  This passion is what stirs our souls and lifts our spirits.

And whatever it is, we must find it, grab tight, and never let go.

The time for letting will eventually come, and hopefully, we will be ready.

Lane 8 Is The Worst

Lane 8, Finland
Lane 8, Finland

Lane 8 is where the slowest competitor is placed. In swimming. In running.

You never saw Michael Phelps (world’s fastest swimmer) in Lane 8.  You never saw Usain Bolt (world’s fastest runner) in Lane 8.

And yet Lane 8 is my goal.

This week, like most of you, there was a serious struggle to find the right balance of physical activity and healthy nutrition.  Diet and exercise.

Here’s one of my little secrets.  Are you interested in it?

Dream Big. Get There.  Stay There.

Come up with a mantra, a saying, that will keep you focused on one simple goal.

To not give up, no matter the set backs.  Ever!