Waiting Too Long May Make It Absolutely Impossible, So Go

jeff noel photographs the NASA Space Shuttle Launch from front yard

If your impossible (non-health) goal was to see a NASA Space Shuttle launch before you died, well, kiss that one good bye. But most impossible things don’t have that kind of finality.

Perhaps death is the only thing stopping us from our impossible wellness goal(s). Like that’ll ever happen, right?

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What’s Your Impossible?

Magic Kingdom's Space Mountain 2011

What’s the mountain you’re climbing or have always wanted to climb? I’ll say it forever, you should have the right framework to define impossible.

Impossible is not something a human has never done. Impossible is something you’ve never done. Got it? What’s your impossible?

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What’s Your Health and Wellness Passion?

Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel 2011

Sometimes I travel all the way to Walt Disney World to speak. Yes, it’s a long 5-10 minute drive, but somebody has to do it, right?

The Cast Members at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resorts wear name tags with their name and their passion. I might go with Balance. What would yours be?

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You Gotta Bring The Good Time With You, It’s A Non-Negotiable

Iowa City, Iowa 2011

Had a saying in college when it came to going to parties, because many where boring, “You have to bring the good time with you”.

Same with health, you have to bring your motivation with you. I hate the cold, that’s why we live in Central Florida, next to Disney World. Got it? Motivation. Bring it. Go.

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You Don’t Have To Live Next Door To Disney World To Be Inspired By Disney

But it sure does help. Yeah, that’s Epcot’s spaceship Earth behind jeff noel and his son. It was lunchtime and they were hungry, so they went to Japan to grab a bite.

Why is this important? Because at one time, living next to Disney World was an impossible dream. Beware of gurus advising how to do impossible if they don’t have a long list themselves.

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