You know what? I assumed everyone got this, until a recent revelation. So here’s my definition of an impossible goal. An impossible goal isn’t something no one has ever done before.
An impossible goal is something you’ve never done before.
Big difference. Maybe you’ve never walked a 5k before. Maybe that’s your impossible goal.
Ever feel compelled to tell a stranger your story? She said she felt trapped. Trapped inside her body. But her Uncle gave her an epiphany, and her Doctor gave her hope.
Kayla did the rest.
I think Kayla said she wants to lose 197 pounds total. If you’re newer to this health blog, you may have missed the premise, “If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough“. Good luck Kayla!
You should know, in case you don’t, I respond to every single comment and email you send. Yesterday’s Lane 8 post had a comment from occasional Guest Blogger, Skip.
Here’s the reply I just wrote, it feels post-worthy:
What if, instead of your outward appearance, you thought of your “comeback” in terms of showing your daughters that getting older doesn’t mean we have to compromise an active, healthy lifestyle?
That getting older isn’t a jail sentence to ill-health.
Do you want your daughters and your grandchildren to be unhealthy when they get older?
What will motivate them to “break the cycle” and be the change, if you can’t, or won’t, do it?