“Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

healthy lunch
After a great workout, and before a client visit at Epcot, a power lunch.


A friend at the gym asked, “Did you bike today?”

“Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

i’ve told him this before, and don’t expect him to remember nor care.

“About an hour to the gym and an hour home.”

Ike stated (not in the form of a question), “So you can eat anything you want.”

Smiling, i spontaneously replied, “Yes, but i only eat the good stuff. Food is fuel.”

He never saw that coming.

Most don’t.

To exercise so you can splurge with unhealthy food choices and quantities?


Yeah, i used to think that way.

For decades.


•  •  •  •  •

This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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To deny this feels unnatural

To deny this feels unnatural.

Thoughtful food choices.

Intentional portions.

Decently balanced food sources.

Health benefits that pay long-term dividends.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our physical health. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Look in your pantry

Car crash skip marks
Everyone was unhurt.


Eating late and eating sugar-laden foods are symptoms of a lack of hope some deeper disharmony.

Look in your pantry.

What are the predominant food choices and quantities, particularly the snack-type items?

The decision for our food choices starts long before we open our pantry door.

Ever ask yourself, “Why do i pick these, and why so many of them?”

What does this say about my commitment to aging well?




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our physical health. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


We’re gonna pay one way or the other

Mickey Mouse shaped waffle


(photo: It’s been said: You are what you eat. Garbage in, garbage out. Your body is a temple housing everything keeping you alive.)

Heard it said that you can spend your money at the grocery store or you can spend it at the doctor’s office.

Quality choices are our choice.

Buy the best you can afford.

Make sacrifices in order to make better choices.

We’re gonna pay one way or the other.

Switch to the Spirit Blog