The regret from never knowing is insidiously haunting.

Group of young men drinking around the world at Epcot.
Group of young men drinking around the world at Epcot.


The regret from never knowing is insidiously haunting.

The roundtrip walk from the car to lunch was 2.5 miles. Walking past this group of fun loving young men we spotted the red letters on the back of their tee-shirts spelling, p-a-r-t-y.

Creative. Fun.

Shared with the 14-year old lunch companion how much fun it is to put on your jeans and they fit perfectly, maybe even a tad loose.

Decent chance all of these men will regret not knowing this joy as they age.

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Do not rest until you are no longer afraid

Walt Disney World North Water Bridge
Walt Disney World North Water Bridge.


The codependence of waiting for New Years to make resolutions is simply ridiculous.

These annual New Year’s resolutions never work.


So then why the heck do we repeat this stupid cycle?


What about this harsh reality most think is invisible:

We really have no intentions of changing.

Because we are small.

This is a human condition. And it is hypocritical to everything we dream of.

Enter the real barrier.


If we actually resolve and make our change, we will have to live differently.

And this scares us, and we lie to ourselves that it doesn’t.

The solution, if we are really serious, is to not rest until we are no longer afraid.

Find a million ways.

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Are we afraid of being healthy?

jeff noel sitting in Delta first class
Some people are afraid of being unhealthy – should we trust them?


Are we afraid of being healthy?

Afraid of investing time and effort and still feeling unhealthy?

Who do we let feed our mind and spirit with wellness information?

Are we relying on false slick messaging or common sense?

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