Repetition Is The Mother Of All Learning, Says Baby Boomer jeff noel

Lane 8, Rice University, Houston, Texas 2010

Fellow Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers, please listen up. Who do you go to for authentic health and wellness advice you can trust? Is it a person who expertly understands work/life balance and you can actually see them demonstrate this expertise every single day, for years on end? You know, someone who practices it first and then preaches it?

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By Design & On Purpose, jeff noel Has Been Leading You Down A Path

A picture is often worth 1,000 words. You don't have to go to the gym, but you do have to move.

Lane 8’s theme this month is “Similar Differences”. Our differences are similar. I love running, but will never push running on someone. I exercise at dawn, but would never say you have to do it then. They only thing I’ll insist on is that you insist on getting started and never quitting. The rest is just individual details. Fair enough?

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Older Adults Can Take A Major Hint From Mother Nature: Stay Active And Eat Right

jeff noel's Hometown, Walt Disney World

In the Animal Kingdom, there are no wellness programs. Animals survive because each day they use common sense: stay active, eat to stay alive, and watch your back. Common sense is rarely common practice in the human world. I’m thankful for that.

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