Your Expectations Aren’t High Enough

Don't Stop
Don't Stop

You heard me correctly, it’s not a typo.  Your expectations are not high enough.

There are people who publicly and privately think I should back off, or slow down.

And sometimes it’s easy to start to think, “Maybe they’re right”. But it never lasts long.

A song, a movie, a thought, a blessing, a tragedy – all these things snap me out of doubt, fear and uncertainty.

Last night, it was a movie, Invictus, an inspiring story about Nelson Mandela and the South African Rugby team.

Start walking, get moving.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in a small (hell) prison cell.

And you’re telling me you can’t walk 4 or 5 days every week?

(next blog)

No Seriously, Do You?

What If You Wait Three More Years?
What If You Wait Three More Years?

Good health, meaning proper (not perfect) diet, regular (not compulsive) exercise, and adequate (consistent) rest are the keys to good health.

Good health doesn’t fall from the sky.

Good health isn’t going to get easier as you get older.

Good health isn’t going to wait until you have more time.

Good health is hard to come by.

Do you want it?

No seriously, do you?

Fuel Your Healthy Body

Should We Buy Organic?
Should We Buy Organic?

All of us grow and develop over time.  And there’s sort of a bell curve to our life. We start out low on the chart and make upward progress, reaching our physical peak, typically, somewhere around 18-20 years old, and then begin a long, slow decline until death.

Exercise, of course, has proven benefits on all accounts. Diet on the other hand, is more obscure. There is no evidence, for example, that can scientifically claim organic foods will eliminate the types of disease commonly associated with processed and chemically raised food sources.

And yet organic foods claim to be significantly healthier for us. Yet they cost 50-300% more.

If all you do is consider eating more fruits and vegetables, than this Everyday Health list of the top ten fruits and veggies chemically grown will help you target the best ROI for your grocery dollars.