So amazing, you inspire yourself?

Holiday Inn Flint


(photo: Wondering who wrote the note on the key packet. Was it a generic message? Was it written specifically by her and specifically for the person she handed it to?)

Who’s to blame for inspiration?

The thing about pursuing vibrant health and wellness is that the light that shines from the effort is impossible to cover up.

It is never done to shine a light, but the light shines brightly nonetheless.

Be amazing today.

So amazing, you inspire yourself.

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Is there anything more wonderful than feeling healthy, happy, and alive?

Disney toys
We are in charge of our own happiness. No one else is. Be creative.


Is there anything more wonderful than feeling healthy, happy, and alive?


Tomorrow when you wake up tell yourself at least ten times:

I feel happy. I feel healthy. I feel alive.

Do it. Trust in the process.

And do it out loud, but not loudly – just a low whisper is fine.

And share what it was like in the comments (if ya feel like it).

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Life is hard son

Boy on bicycle in Central Florida neighborhood
So many easy options and distractions at our disposal


Life is hard son.

You’ve heard it in your house dozens of times:

Find a million ways to stay motivated.

Life gets even harder when we are not vibrantly healthy.

It’s that simple.

Create a mantra(s) that works for you.

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