Figure It Out, Right?

Exercise or Donut?
Exercise or Donut?

Time marches on. There’s no denying it. This can be exciting, or it can be debilitating. How we choose to accept it really is the key.

Very few people get to exercise and eat the way they know is optimal. Why? Because time marches on. So, the questions then narrow down to two:

  1. Give up, because it’s too difficult
  2. Keep going, because we are setting the example

Sometimes, not being able to exercise, even though you want to, is a gift. You just have to know the difference.

Next Blog

Wake Up In One City, Sleep In Another
Wake Up In One City, Sleep In Another

Cancer In America

Recently, we visited Disney’s Magic Kingdom and Cinderella Castle. A stark contrast from cancer in America.

Yes, Disney World is our “hometown”, and yes, we visit often. Magical. Special. Wonderful.

But did you know that cancer in America strikes 1 out of 2 men, and 1 out of 3 women?

Frightening. Awful. Unbelievable.

Exercise doesn’t stop cancer, but it sure does help. That’s as basic as I can make it.

Many terminally ill people make Disney World their last request.

Any prayer requests?

You Will Never Be

Today is the healthiest you will ever be, unless you start doing something proactive.

You are going downhill every day you aren’t fighting it.

Perhaps it’s the greatest victory we could ever hope to win – the one over ourselves.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers today.