Prefontaine Classic Is…

Lane 8 At Hayward Field 2009
Lane 8 At Hayward Field 2009

The 2010 Prefontaine Classic, at Hayward Field in Tracktown, USA (Eugene, Oregon) will be televised on NBC 430 – 600PM this Saturday, July 3rd.

It will feature more Olympic Gold Medalists than any other Track meet in US history.

Even if you don’t like running, you may like the vibe you get watching these artists.

For me, watching them is like adding another log on the fire called burning desire.

Would you describe your desire as a candle or a bonfire?

Why Do We Run (reprise)

Runner's Tan or Farmer's Tan?
Runner's Tan or Farmer's Tan?

The USA Track & Field National Championships began yesterday at Drake University.

Americas best runners, jumpers and throwers, all competing for the title, “National Champion“.

When you get past the titles, and the record books, and look closer, this is why we run  – “…we enjoy it and can not help ourselves.”

PS. Click why to find out who said that and see the rest of what he/she said.

What Motivates Scott Rigsby?

Inconvenience Shouldn't Stop Anyone
Inconvenience Shouldn't Stop Anyone

We all know motivation comes and goes like the wind. It’s very challenging to find it every single day.

Yesterday’s Lane 8 blog post featured a photo of Scott Rigsby, the first double-amputee to complete the Ironman Triathlon.

My son and I were at Hanger Prosthetics Tuesday, turning in a script for two new night splints.

Yeah, I have to wear two night splints every night. And custom Orthotics in each shoe. And take Celebrex daily, and use Voltaren gel 4x a day, and ice my left foot twice a day.

Bet Scott wishes that was the least of his motivational challenges.

The Two Secrets Revealed

The Magic Formula Is Hard Work
The Magic Formula Is Hard Work

This will frustrate some of you, because what’s missing in these two secrets is the how to do it.

You want someone to come along and tell you how you should do things. “Just give me the silver bullet.” I know, I feel the same way.

Wake up people. You MUST find your own way. And another secret, your way will need to change through the years. There is no one right way.

But for now, more than anything else, here are your top two secrets:

  1. You MUST get started
  2. You MUST never quit

Happy to reveal these secrets to you, free of charge no less.

Have a nice, healthy day. It’s totally up to you.

Not Even

A Decade To Make The USA Team
A Decade To Make The USA Team

If you’re like most people, you’re set in your ways. You talk about change, and you can easily see what others need to change, and in fact, you openly talk about those people behind their back, not because you’re mean, but simply because you are weak.

Courageous people anger others. Courageous people don’t intend that anymore than you do. We are all human, and therefore, we succumb to temptation long before we are willing to fight the good fight.

If you don’t fight for your health, who will?

If you don’t start fighting for your health today, then when?

So, as you watched yesterday’s You Tube video, rather than see some old guy showing off, remember that I couldn’t even get my legs to parallel for one second. Not even one second. Are you paying attention?

There is hope for you, but you must do two things. See you tomorrow.