3 Health Tips To Get Better

Is It On Your Mind Daily?
Is It On Your Mind Daily?

“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.”Milan Kundera

Do you struggle with staying committed to exercising regularly and developing good, solid eating habits?

I think one of the main reasons people (fail) struggle, is because they are not leading their efforts with their heart.

Here are 3 health tips to get better at focus and discipline:

  1. Find a person to be a role-model for (so that failure is not an option)
  2. Start slow and steady
  3. Allow for imperfections, but do not allow quitting

These are the 3 health tips for getting better. But no tips for success will work, if you don’t.

(next blog)

Back To Health Basics, OK?

Let’s get back to health basics. Man, this seems so incredibly important, and basic.

Isn’t that what First Lady Michelle Obama clearly articulated in her June 23 White House Press Release?

Here’s the bottom line: We can never tire of the basics.

None of us are really in a position to tell the others what or how they should maintain their health.

But there are some who have found “something” and, “somehow“, to maintain it for over a decade, they are becoming your experts. And you can listen to them or not.

But the one thing you can not do, is deny that these people have accomplished much, simply by using the basics. There are people close to you that you should tap into. Find out what motivates them.

No drugs. No coach. No personal trainer. No easy job providing extra time to exercise. No convenient location next to a gym, a “Y”, or school athletic facilities.

Just a pair of running shoes. Wake up. Lace up. Shut up. Walk to the mailbox. And start running.

Running. Just one of many ways to stay active.

What’s yours?

Check Blood Pressure @ The Store
Check Blood Pressure @ The Store

How Bad Do You Want It?

Saw This Random Bumper Sticker 3 Days Ago
Saw This Random Bumper Sticker 3 Days Ago

Apparently, and collectively as a Nation, we don’t want it bad enough.

We want it to be easy.

We want it to be quick.

We want it to not interfere with our routine.

We want it to taste good.

We want it to be pain-free.

And over 2/3 of our population is in desperate need.

The only time we can get people to run is when we ask, “How bad do you want it?”

12 Reasons We Can’t Lose Weight

Temptation Is Everywhere...
Temptation Is Everywhere...

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is exceedingly challenging.

Anyone who tells you differently is lying.

These 12 tips may help you overcome your next little urge to quit, simply by helping you remember where our human weaknesses dwell.

Don’t do it.

Do not quit.

You can do it.

It will be difficult.

But years from now, you’ll be so glad you never gave up.