Diet & Exercise

The blood tests confirmed what most would say was inevitable, and only a matter of time – your cholesterol is in the danger zone. In going to our Family Physician, you can predict what he said I’d need to do moving forward.

Two things. Diet & exercise. Diet to lower LDL cholesterol and exercise to raise HDL cholesterol. Simple. But simple doesn’t equal easy.

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Please Let Me Explain

If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery, they wouldn’t think it’s so wonderful after all. – Michelangelo

A dangerous health-related wake-up call, coupled with a childhood dream, led to something extra-ordinary 10 years later.

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April 4, 2009

(An archived post from exactly 2 years ago today):

It hit me a few years ago.

The answer.

And I was reminded of it yesterday, when I casually shared it with a friend who wants to lose 50 pounds.

Your carrot has to be huge. It has to be one you’ll chase for the rest of your life.

Until I die?


My big carrot?

It ain’t the world championships.

What then?

Being a role model for my son. Honoring our creator who gave us the gift of our body. Seeing our son graduate from high school. Etc.

The world championships? A smaller, several year carrot.

Make today a day you stop by the produce section and get yourself some vegetables. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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Health Is Wealth

April! Isn’t Springtime wonderful? Spring fever. Spring break. Spring into action.

jeff noel needs to spring into book writing. If things work out as planned, you’ll find regular posts here, dedicated to “Health Is Wealth” – a saying Cheryl’s Grammy (94) used to always say.

I just can’t guarantee things will work out as planned.

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