Then, and only then

Iowa Football stadium
‘I’ as in you. You were made to overcome.


One of the biggest victories in overcoming a sedentary lifestyle is the victory over making excuses. Then, and only then, there will be no looking back.

Big victories take guts.

We are made to thrive.

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What’s it gonna be today?

Homeless person sleeping on city bench
Everyone gets 24 hours each day – not exercising because we don’t have time is weak.


What’s it gonna be today?

Treating our body well or abusing our body?

Too much inactivity is self-abuse.

Too much sugar is self abuse.

Too little rest is self abuse.

What’s it gonna be today?

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Dare not dare physically

Casting Crowns and Mikes Chair CDs
True that… All or Nothing


Dare not dare physically.

Wishing you the freedom and courage to choose yourself. The reprioritized you.

The you who has said, “My health is all or nothing”.

And you are saying it because you have finally (for real) realized your health is going to be amazing, and you are starting today.

All or nothing.

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Our first action is determining what will be left undone – possibly forever

Albert Einstein quote
Who writes our script? Who also gets to rewrite it?


What tradeoffs are we willing to make?

To create time to get (and stay) healthy we have to destroy the time we spent doing some other thing.

This is more important than figuring out exactly what type of exercise we need to do.

Our first action is determining what will be left undone – possibly forever.





Worth the effort?

Only one person can rationalize our answer.

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Three ways to read this sign?

outlet store window sign
Could also read: Thrive you life or survive your life. No?


(photo: Orlando store window… the caption is critical to this post making sense)

The really cool thing about our struggles is that it levels the playing field.

We all have them. Tons of them.

Becoming fanatical about balance seems the only way to thrive.

Well, settling for a life of ‘survival’ is another commonly chosen option.

This is the decision the physician presented in 1999… diet and exercise.

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