Try to hate running?

Middle school classroom cat


(photo: How did one stray cat become so lucky to have a middle school classroom to call home?)

Baby Boomers must manage their own luck.

Hope you get to the point where you hate running. Because when you do, you’ll know you love it.

If this sounds confusing it’s because it sort of is. Until you understand that it’s not.

What starts out as a groove, say running, eventually becomes a rut. No one likes ruts. And you have to love something in order to climb out of the rut and thrive again.

Like all worthwhile things in life, lifetime motivation to not quit (running in this example) is key.

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Easiest way to feel like a lottery winner?

Four seasons welcome flag


(photo: Four boxes equal the balance of the four season. It takes all four to make it work.)

Do you believe radiant work life balance is impossible?

Easiest way to feel like a lottery winner?

Spend your life getting to a place of balanced wellness.

The executive with 38 years experience in one of the world’s largest automotive companies said, “You didn’t think I had 38 years experience, did you?”

The facilitator asked, “Class of ’76?”

Big shot executive, “Yes.”

The facilitator, “Class of ’77.”

The Detroit executive didn’t think the other guy had that much experience either.

We often don’t realize what’s possible in life until we see it face to face.

The astonished executive now has an opportunity to raise his bar.

At 56, the 38-year executive looked good, yet his radiant light was dim.

Raising the bar means radiating your spirit, not just your clothes and hairstyle.

And our spiritual radiance is enhanced when our physical wellness is vibrant.

We have to be decently organized in order to maintain physical wellness.

Etc, etc.

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To run at Disney or to run nearby

Uncle Grandpa's house


(photo: running affords the ability to walk to the end of our driveway and begin exercising… no driving, no special equipment… any time, any day)

Cousin from Jacksonville arrived last night for a 5k at Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex this morning.

She also has a fondness for Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival which is in full swing right now.

Debating whether to start this morning’s run from the mailbox, or drive to Disney and slip into the sea of runners and be a 5k crasher.

What would you do?

Today’s physical thought continues with a spiritual thought for the day at the Next Blog

How bad do we want it?

O Magazine cover
Check out the lower left corner… what is Oprah’s lifetime health track record?


How bad do we want it?

And what exactly do we want?

We’re thinking lifetime plan, right?

It’s ridiculously easy to quit short term goals because we can rationalize another try in the future.

What if the driving goal was a lifetime of health and wellness, and bathing suit season?

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