Will today be the day?

Thinking differently
How far are we trying to reach with our actions today?


Thinking differently
The time we get from birth to death.


Thinking differently
Telos thinking.


Thinking differently
To what end do we maintain and improve our health? And, when do we start?


Will today be the day she burns the ships?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.


These two parameters add purpose to your life

bike ride at sunrise
Yesterday morning, just after sunrise, biking 20k to Golds Gym. Notice the length of the left corner tree shadow. By this time i’ve been up since 5AM, wrote 5 blog posts, made breakfast for my Family, drove Son to school.


Can’t imagine what life would be like without a set bedtime and awakening time every day.

These two parameters add purpose to your life and give you something to focus on that signals the start of an exciting day, and the end of a wonderfully productive and joyful day.

The proverbial starting line and finish line.

To not have something worth waking up early for feels like you’re cheating yourself, your potential.

To not have a promise to yourself to call it a day and reward yourself with adequate rest for the coming day seems juvenile to me.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.


How’s your flywheel?

The other day…i needed a metaphor to help a teenager understand their continuously accelerating progress. They can’t see it as easily as me.


apple watch face
Last night at sunset, i knew 12 hours later (an hour from now as i type this) i’d be on the bicycle.



How’s yours?

Hard to get going. Hard to stop once it does.

Getting to exercise three hours this morning feels like a reward versus a burden.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.


Can you intelligently (and convincingly) explain why you aren’t exercising?

High school physical night
Last night the High School offered $25 student athlete physicals in the gym after school. About 75% of the student body participates in athletics.


How long do you plan to live?

Can you intelligently (and convincingly) explain why you aren’t exercising?

Do you plan to start?

Why not?

And if yes…

When do you plan to start exercising?

Back to how many years you think you’ll live.

Do you suppose you’ll be healthier if you started gradually and then eventually, say in a year or two, you kept with it forever?

Does this change any of your previous answers?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

What’s holding you back?

High school track practice


Dennis said when he started swimming a year ago he could only do two laps – up and back counts as two.

Now, in an hour, he swims 68 laps (34 up and backs).

His goal is 100 laps in an hour.

He also went from hating running and believing whole-heartedly that he could never run, to running for 30 minutes.

And, he said, “I love it and look forward to it.”

He also stated that he’s lost 35 pounds.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.