The good news is I planned for this

this photo doesn’t make sense… uh huh… it’s very confusing… and so it goes


The good news is I planned for this – active rest. Foresaw a tight turnaround and planned to not run this morning. Huge relief to not have to feel guilt for not exercising – on top of the drain from only three hours sleep.

Oh, and did I mention shell shocked? Confused? Doesn’t make sense? What?

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Masters Track & Field is not about marathon running

Masters Track
Photo from decatur Street in New Orleans 2012… yes, from a run


Masters Track & Field is not about marathon running, although everyone (not an exaggeration) asks about how many marathons I’ve run.


Don’t even like driving 26 miles.

But enter a transformational approach, say a one lap (400 meters) run, and you’ve got my attention.

Isn’t that an example of go big or go home? Now you have one example. What’s your gonna be?

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This photo was taken 50 minutes after the run began

the sun has not yet risen over jeff noel’s home – November 2, 2012 (yesterday)


This photo was taken 50 minutes after the run began. Dark and cold. Lonely.

Why? Why do it then. What’s the point?

The day jeff noel (any of us) stops exercising is the healthiest he’ll (any of us will) ever be. Every day after that is less healthy.

Exercise matters.

It dramatically improves your life, and in many cases, saves it.

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How much competition is enough?

Masters Track
seeded 20 out of 34 in the M45-49 400 meters
Masters Track
moved to 10th overall, missing finals by two spots

How much competition is enough? You know, competition isn’t even necessary, except for one place – with the devil. We MUST find a million ways to stay motivated to keep moving.

For three years, 1999 – 2002… no competition, recreational running only.
…got bored, demotivated… ready to quit…

Three more years, 2002 – 2005… discovered the joy (and pain) of 5k’s.
…got bored, demotivated (again)… ready to quit…

Found Masters Track meets locally 2005-2007

In 2006, after six years solid running and conditioning foundation, the photos show, going into the 2006 Masters Track & Field National championships, jeff noel seeded number 20 of 34.

Finished 10th, missing the finals by two spots.

It doesn’t matter. What matters is it’s 2013 and I’m still running with a passion stronger than quitting – that’s 14 years, by the way.

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The one motivational secret you never hear people talking about

motivational tactics
competition is simply a motivational tactic, not an end goal


The one motivational secret you never hear people talking about?

The ebb and flow of motivation. It is part of the journey.

When in the dip, don’t quit.

When on top, don’t get hurt.

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Itching to get back on top. It’s been six years. Finished next to last at Nationals. Loved it!