Watching those who go before us allows these two things to happen

Central Florida Garden spider
Our habits, intentional or not, weave our destiny


Watching those who go before us allows these two things to happen:

  1. We can see what works
  2. We can see what doesn’t

To say my sleep rhythm was disrupted in 2013 would be an understatement. What if we treated it like other things we wanted? Setting small, medium, and large goals?

Slept 8.5 hours last night. A goal. On purpose.

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Live as if our couch, our entertainment center, and our snack supply are key?

painting of a gift wrapped box
Over a lifetime what’s the impact of the impact?


What drives our belief that our health is important enough to make regular activity, sensible eating, and adequate sleep a part of every day?

What drives us to say it doesn’t matter and live as if our couch, our entertainment center and our snack supply are as world-class as we can afford?

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Health is wealth and is relatively invisible, until it is not

jeff noel Masters runner in Coralville, Iowa
Ran 30 minutes at dawn before a long day in the classroom


At the dinner table, two CEO’s were checking their resting heart using an iPhone app. One clocked 83, the other 53.

Both CEO’s know exercise not only improves health metrics, but as a side benefit, exercise simply makes you feel better, increases energy, reduces stress, improves sleep patterns, and on and on.

One exercises. One does not.

Did you know that thirty beats per minute difference equals an extra 43, 200 beats per day?

This also equates to 15.8 million extra beats each year.

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