Dear readers, it certainly is not a secret, but…

Disney's Small World ride
We all have mountains to climb if we look to 2014’s horizon


Dear readers, it certainly is not a secret, but I don’t talk about it much. Why? Not sure. Probably because it could sound boastful – when the real purpose would simply be to slay theory and reveal real life results.

So, the comeback 2013 has been put to rest. Yes, running again. Rebuilding the cardiovascular base and getting back to solid core strength.

Why? Because it’s time to move on to comeback 2014.

And for the record, comeback 2014 began mid-July 2013 (two weeks after double hernia surgery).

The long way is the shortcut.

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The truth about sayings

Apple Store window display of colorful beads promoting iPhone 5c
Apple Store window display of colorful beads promoting iPhone 5c


The old saying of just put one foot in front of the other. You know the one. It became a saying and we’re all familiar with it for a reason. Because it’s true.

Translated: be active one day at a time, and shoot for four or five days each week where it’s for at least 30-60 minutes.

If we don’t do it now, we’ll surely have time for it in the nursing home. No?

There’s another saying: You can pay me now or you can pay me later. Yes?

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Watching those who go before us allows these two things to happen

Central Florida Garden spider
Our habits, intentional or not, weave our destiny


Watching those who go before us allows these two things to happen:

  1. We can see what works
  2. We can see what doesn’t

To say my sleep rhythm was disrupted in 2013 would be an understatement. What if we treated it like other things we wanted? Setting small, medium, and large goals?

Slept 8.5 hours last night. A goal. On purpose.

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