This May Be A Mistake

Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem

Have I not been pretty good at keeping the topics here at Lane 8 about Health, Motivation and Impossible Goals?

It feels like it, and therefore, I’m taking editorial license to post about something that has to do with all three, but perhaps in a way you’re not expecting.

I’ve had the link for some time and have not found the right time to share it. One of the privileges that a serious blogger gets is to say something particularly personal.

There are many incurable diseases. And all of us have been impacted directly and indirectly, by them.

Crohn’s disease has no cure.


It is an Impossible Goal to help raise enough money, to give away, to those who can find the cure.

As a parent, it’s ultimately going to become a full-time job.

For now, this humble and thankful parent, just wanted to open the door a little bit wider.

If you want, click here to read, “When to talk about Crohn’s Disease.”

Good Morning Class

Who's There?
Who's There?

Okay. Short and sweet.

Today’s lesson is yesterday’s lesson.

Old news?

Are you kidding me?

You better read yesterday’s post over and over until you can’t see straight.

Maybe then you’ll start your change – the change you want desperately to make.

The change you deserve. You owe it to yourself.

See you yesterday….

Will You Please?

I Ain't Making This Up
I Ain't Making This Up

Will you change the way you think about diet and exercise?

Or will you give up, like you always do?

Hey, you’re an adult.  You get this. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.

Don’t do it.

Don’t cave.

Don’t give up.

You can do it.

Be smarter. Think differently. Act differently. Don’t do it all in one month.

You have the rest of your life, but only if you get started and never quit.

One day at a time.

Start small and simple.  Think long-term. Dust off your indomitable will. Never quit.

When you die, then you can relax.  You good with that?

Strength Is Your Responsibility

Inner Strength?
Inner Strength?

“Strength is something you forge from within.” — Eugenia ‘Jean’ Finnegan Biden

Watching (not really, more like listening) ABC Evening News last night, Vice President Joe Biden spoke of fond memories and important lessons he learned from his mother.

She died yesterday.

Of all the things Vice President Joe Biden said, it’s his mother’s advice at the top here, that resonated the most.


Personal responsibility is really the key to success.  I’ve known this all my life and you have too.

Having a ten year plan has really helped me see what’s still possible, but not guaranteed.

Every Body Is Watching You

Warning or Example?
Warning or Example?

Are you a movie star?

A rock star?

A Hollywood celebrity?

Most likely, we can all answer these questions with a resounding, “No.”

But I beg to offer a different perspective (imagine that, lol).

People are watching you the same way they watch famous people, and they are doing the same thing to you they do after watching famous people.


We are all telling a story about what we value. Yes, we are. Every single day.  Every choice we make is another “scene” from the movie entitled “Your Life”.

And this brings us back to a very poignant question, “Am I an example or a warning?”