If your goal isn’t impossible, why?

Lane 8's First Guest Blogger
My “business card”. Handwritten and simple.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. That’s what I think. That’s how I stay motivated.

The following insight is from a West Chester University graduate, my former college roommate, United States Marine, Husband, Father, and a man who understands what common sense means. Skip Gaskill also understands what self-discipline means. And it is an honor to introduce you to Skip now.  Skip, take it away:

“What characteristic is it that many of us lack on our journey to achieve excellence?

The self-discipline to stick to our chosen paths.

Why?  Because it is often too hard, too difficult, too painful, or downright inconvenient.  Do you compromise your integrity for convenience sake?  Do you rationalize your decision when you know you’re wrong to do so?

Self-discipline means doing the right thing when no one else is looking.  My kids think I’m “Goofy” (pun intended) for driving the extra half mile instead of making an illegal u-turn.  I choose to set the example for my children.

Lack of self-discipline can be conquered if you really want to improve yourself.  Start small, take baby steps if necessary.  You will have great joy and should be proud of yourselves when you actually accomplish one of your goals because you had the self-discipline to see it through.

Whether it is running a marathon, quitting smoking, eating better, or being a better person, self-discipline is a key ingredient in the recipe for excellence!”

Boost Your Willpower

The Road To Excellence Has No Finish Line

The road to excellence has no finish line.

This Everyday Health article basically says what I’ve been saying all along here at Lane 8:

  1. Pick one impossible goal, not several
  2. Start small
  3. Be creative with your motivation
  4. Find a million ways to keep it alive
  5. Don’t quit

Simple?  Yes.

Easy?  Not on your life.

Six Tips For Better Sleep

World Class Rest?

This Everyday Health article shares six really common sense, and practical, tips for focusing on our sleep.

These things are painful to contemplate aren’t they?

Sleep, fiber, exercise, flexibility, colonoscopy, healthy body weight (BMI), cholesterol.

It is a sincere hope that you will appreciate Lane 8’s daily push (or maybe it’s a pull).  In his wonderful book about living, which he wrote as he was dying, Randy Pausch cautioned us to not hate people who nag us.

They nag us because they love us.  Start to worry when they stop pushing or pulling you to do better or differently.

Do you get that? I’m not trying to show off.  I’m  just trying to show.

It can be done.  You can do it.  But you have to want it. And you have to want it bad.


Our Body Houses Our Temple
Our Body Houses Our Temple

It seems to me, in looking around at all the people going about their business, that very few make diet and exercise a priority.

Can we all agree on that?  Or, is this notion completely misguided?

The only thing that comes to mind right now is,Why?”