Obsessed Or Apathetic?

Do You Have World Class Peace of Mind?
Do You Have World Class Peace of Mind?

Want to take a test to see if your way of thinking about diet and exercise is right for you?

Somewhere in between being obsessed or being apathetic lies the proper balance for your approach to living a healthy lifestyle.

Diet and exercise are like water and air for our physical well being.

Inactive people often despise active people and active people often harshly judge inactive people.

Quiz time.  If you’re health were a small family business, are you profitable or filing for bankruptcy?

What A Jerk!

The Road You Travel Is Up To You
The Road You Travel Is Up To You

That’s what people think. They think it and say it behind your back.

Showoff.  Ego-maniac.  Self-centered.  What a jerk!

And yet, deep down inside, they wish they had the focus and discipline it takes.

Sad thing is, they do, but they make so many excuses that they convince themselves they don’t.

Where are you?