Only Give Advice

Advice Often Stinks
Advice Often Stinks

Our differences make the world interesting, don’t they? And they also cause conflict.

We all know others who have some expertise where we don’t and vice-versa.

Sometimes we pay cash for the exchange, but mostly we just try to help each other out.

Yesterday at Gold’s Gym, a friend talked of running a 5k. It would be his first.

I’m a good runner, but more than that, I’m an expert at focus and discipline (and motivation).

Do you know what you are an expert at?

I caught myself doling out advice (after it was asked for), but then caught myself a second time – and backed up, to ask a simple question.

“Why do you want to run a 5k?”

(next blog)

12 Reasons You May Not Be Losing Weight

Some Are Good, Some Are Bad
Some Are Good, Some Are Bad

Everyday Health is a great resource for health, diet, exercise and wellness article, like this one on 12 reasons you may not be losing weight.

People I’ve known for years don’t think I need to worry about this.

I worry about it every day, which is why it looks like I don’t.

(next blog)

3 Health Tips To Get Better

Is It On Your Mind Daily?
Is It On Your Mind Daily?

“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.”Milan Kundera

Do you struggle with staying committed to exercising regularly and developing good, solid eating habits?

I think one of the main reasons people (fail) struggle, is because they are not leading their efforts with their heart.

Here are 3 health tips to get better at focus and discipline:

  1. Find a person to be a role-model for (so that failure is not an option)
  2. Start slow and steady
  3. Allow for imperfections, but do not allow quitting

These are the 3 health tips for getting better. But no tips for success will work, if you don’t.

(next blog)